708-865-1282 westcomchurch@hotmail.com


Pastor Joe Mills is celebrating his 25th year at Westchester Community. Constantly volunteering in our community and beyond, Pastor Joe most recently is an active member of the Westchester Chamber of Commerce and is the Chair of the Economic Development Committee for the Village of Westchester.

Pastor Joe Mills is celebrating his 25th year at Westchester Community. Very active in our community and beyond, Pastor Joe most recently is an active member of the Westchester Chamber of Commerce and is the Chair of the Economic Development Committee for the Village of Westchester. He is an ordained pastor of the United Church of Christ and a member of the Illinois Conference UCC and is active in local and regional affairs of the United Church of Christ.

Sue Becerra has served as our Administrative Assistant since 2006. She will gladly field any question from our website, or any need. Contact her at westcomchurch@hotmail.com

Jeremiah Fleming is our brand-new Music Director, bringing new music styles and energy to our music program.

Joyce Kelstrom is celebrating her 25th year here at Westchester Community as our Bell Choir Director. She welcomes anyone to the Bell Choir Program.

Wayne Miller is our custodian, now on his 5th year.

Brief Church History

Next year, we will celebrate 70 years of ministry in Westchester. We are a United Church of Christ, coming from the Congregational Christian side of the tradition. But we ARE a Community Church. Founded by people from over 20 different Christian traditions, and especially from a group of women in our community, we have always been part of and active in Westchester. Our church is built on the spur that came off of the old Blue Line in Westchester, literally built on the old depot area at the end of the spur. Members of our church are instrumental in the creation of the Library, LaGrange Memorial Hospital, and our community’s Blood Drive.  Members of our church are active in all facets of life in Westchester.