1840 Westchester Boulevard, Westchester, IL 60154

Located next door to the Westchester Community Center



Church Groups





We respond to many crises, whether area or national or world.  We collect money and products needed and make sure they get to the proper place of support.  Recently, we have helped make cards for veterans and shut-ins, have put together emergency clean-up kits for crisis-hit areas, helped re-do several buildings at an area UCC Church Camp (Tower Hill), and have been making prayer shawls, chemo caps, and lap robes for people who are ill or grieving.

A Cardmaking group meets various Saturdays through the year, working on making cards for shut-ins, veterans, and special missions.  Contact the church office if interested in joining.

We support the Westchester Food Pantry, and support other area Food Pantries.  Items can always be dropped off at our church office 8:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

The Annual Yard Sale this year is Thursday thru Saturday May 30th – June 1st. Look for more information.

We have an area in our narthex collecting supplies for various groups. We received used eye glasses for the Lions Club, used /ragged U.S. flags for proper disposal boy our Boy Scouts, pop can tops for the Ronald McDonald House, among others. Bring them to the church office any day of the week, or bring them to the narthex on any Sunday morning.

We have a “Green Box” which recycles used clothes and shoes – located at the SW corner of our church property

Our newest effort: You can help clinics overseas and here in the U.S. by collecting empty RX bottles. Bring them here and put them in the bin marked RX. Please remove any label and make sure they are clean.

Are you willing to host a migrant family for a period of time (around 2 months). It appears to be two parents/two children. Let the church office know if you have room to make this possible. Will get you in contact with the church member who can arrange this. Thank You.